Its a staple of almost every ball trip to date, cornhole. We took our boards to play some while we tailgated... or got bored. (no pun intended) After sitting in Atlanta traffic, we made it to the hotel. We checked in and attended the Manager's reception, see a pattern? We decided to hang out in the area and have dinner and come back to play some cornhole Thursday night. Had a few beers played and played all night. Nothing exciting. The exciting part comes later.
Friday was a crappy day as far as the weather went. It was raining most of the day if I recall correctly. But we proceeded to the ballpark anyways. Got down there early to check out the ball park. I have to say it was pretty nice. This was the new Turner Field, and it is the same as Citizens and the new Busch in my opinion. But what made this park different was the Louisville Slugger store. You could buy an authentic bat and even have your autograph put on the bat. Very cool idea I must say. At any rate, the game ended up getting cancelled because of rain. No big deal, we had another game to get to enjoy the ballpark. We did get to see the portion of wall that still stands in a parking lot where Aaron hit his record breaking home run. That's right a 5 foot wide and 8 foot tall section of wall in the middle of the parking lot where old Turner Field once stood. But that was cool as well.
The second night was a little better. The game was played and I have no idea who they were playing, but all I remember is the stupid Indian cheer they do and dancing Coke bottles down the left field line when a home run was hit. Gets annoying after awhile. But it was a nice park and a lot of neat things to see.
This is where the exciting part comes in. We were playing cornhole the second night in the back parking lot of our hotel. No one around and no cars to worry about while throwing the bags. After oh I don't know, a couple hours of playing, we were asked by hotel staff to stop playing. They said we were making too much noise. And the HUGE hvac unit near us didn't keep people up?? Ok, no problem. We were in the middle of a crucial game, so we needed to finish. Behind the hotel was a large strip mall. The stores were closed as it was pretty late, so we decided to finish our game there, behind some stores. This was about a 30 foot walk from where we were in our hotel parking lot. Did I mention we had a few beers with us? Well after playing for a short time, 2 police cars come flying into the strip mall as if they were catching some burglars in the act. So we were forced to quit and pour our beverages out, at least those that were daring enough to have them.
All in all, a good trip. Good ballpark. Its not one of my favorites, but definitely not a bad place to see a game either.