For those who care...all 7 of us...
8:00 am departure Thursday morning
4:00 arrival at the hotel in Bmore (give or take)
4:01 step out of gas-filled cars for fresh air
5:00 Chili's for the annual "first pitch" dinner
7:00 or so...crack beers, start cornhole, cut cigars, light the mothers...
Sometime later...roll into bed smelling like smoke, Coronas, Blue Moon, and who knows what else
9:02 and 9:10 tee times at Pine Ridge Golf Course
5:00 or so...head to Camden Yards for Orioles v. Blue Jays
7:05 first pitch
7:06 "let's go to Inner Harbor"
Who the hell knows?? we're open and probably going to get into some kind of trouble that involves a beer bottle being held by a beer glass (Keith).
Return home
Discuss where 2012 trip is going to be...Toronto? Minnesota? Houston? NYC? DC?
Depression (ok fine maybe not)
Despite kids (13 now...more to come?), family vacations, work shifts, flooded basements, marriage trouble, and everything else, we've managed to do this in some form for 13 years now. And we have no intention of stopping!
One more thing...

You're right... it DOES seem like I haven't been on one for a few years. Oh wait... :)